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There are many products in the marketplace that claim to be Natural, Organic & healthy but many of these listed 'Natural 'ingredients can be nasty when used on the body!  Trying to have a Chemical free home can be a challenge and we were sick of researching ingredients in many natural products and finding out how carcinogenic, inflammatory,poisonous and dangerous they can be when used on the human body. The sad part is the incredible ingredients added into these products never get to truly perform as they are naturally meant, due to the added so called nasties that hinder their performance. So Hemp Nation was born. At Hemp Nation we combine the healing power of Organic Hemp with Truly Natural ingredients to produce a superior handmade Australian product range. Perfect for any skin type. We use Biophotonic glass to naturally preserve and lengthen the life span of many of our products. 

Thankyou for joining us at Hemp Nation.

We are passionate about truly Natural Organic ingredients and are creating products that are reliable to use and safe for ourselves,our families and ethical & sustainable for our Earth.  


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