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To Mask or What to Mask?

For most of us, mask-wearing is either mandatory, encouraged, or the socially responsible thing to do. But there’s no doubt mask wearing has its downsides! Beyond possible discomfort there are environmental impacts to consider, and then there’s the all important question of how we look. There’s no denying our identity is tied up in what we wear—face coverings included. So if you’re going to wear a mask, why not choose a reusable mask that reduces environmental impact and makes a sustainable fashion statement at the same time?

Hemp is an incredible Natural Material which is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and biodegradable. Another great advantage of using a hemp face mask is that hemp fibre has the ability to protect from harmful UV rays. Research studies show that hemp face masks are 99.9% effective in blocking both UV-A and UV-B rays. Hemp fabric has a top tier percentile of UPF 50+.

An unfortunate side effect of the Coronavirus pandemic is the increased use of disposable personal protective equipment (PPE). As a conscious consumer, the thought of disposable masks might make you a little uneasy, especially in the long term—though of course in specific situations like hospital settings, disposable is the only safe option. But for the rest of us, there’s no reason not to invest in ethical brands making sustainable and reusable face masks to stay safe and look great at the same time.

Cotton may be cheaper and is many peoples go to Natural Fabric for masks but did you know it takes 10000 - 20000 litres of water to produce 1kg of Cotton , Compared to 300-500 litres for 1kg of Hemp.

Hemp face masks are a viable alternative for people who have chemical sensitivities or allergies and worry about potential chemicals in cotton face masks. Hemp face masks are as light as cotton and an environmentally-conscious substitute to their cotton counterparts. Hemp Fibre is Natural and Bio-degradable.

So choose products that keep you and your family safe

but can also help the wellbeing of this incredible planet for generations to come.

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